Urban Mythic: Thirteen Novels of Adventure and Romance, featuring Norse and Greek Gods, Demons and Djinn, Angels, Fairies, Vampires, and Werewolves in the Modern World | http://bit.ly/2d0m49Q+ |
Junkyard Druid | http://bit.ly/2Nci6g7+ |
The Cretin Gene | http://bit.ly/2tQB2rO+ |
Strawberries and Strangers | http://bit.ly/2IFinV8+ |
The Duke | http://bit.ly/2lODMTb+ |
A Scoundrel in the Making | http://bit.ly/2Ku3DO9+ |
My Best Friend’s Ex | http://bit.ly/2tEHa7q+ |
Heart Seeker | http://bit.ly/2NfGe1s+ |